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Brand Ambassador

Job Description

GroupDates Brand Ambassadors organize and host Singles Meet and Greet Parties at selected venues and establishments in their vicinity and surrounding areas to establish brand awareness, increase website enthusiasm, and encourage website membership.

Brand Ambassadors interact with venue managers and owners by phone and in person a minimum of 3 times.

Brand Ambassadors contact managers and owners of local restaurants, bars, and other venues to ask that venue to join our Singles Meet & Greet Party Tour for their area (and make the extra business that our parties will bring).

  • Your first contact is a phone call.
    • Identify yourself as a Brand Ambassador with GroupDates.net® and ask the venue to join our Singles Meet & Greet Party tour.
    • Send a digital brochure that explains the Party Tour in detail.
  • If they are interested, your second contact is a face-to-face meeting with the manager or owner.
    • You will meet in person to establish trust and case the establishment to ensure that it can handle a group of 20 people or more.
  • The third contact will be at their first Singles Meet & Greet Party.
    • You’ll be there to act as the party host to greet party attendees, scan the QR code of the event tickets with your phone (and have others who are not members join the website and buy a ticket–takes about 2 minutes), and to coordinate the speed dating portion of the party.
  • You are only required to attend the first party for each venue (As you accumulate multiple party venues, you may have several parties that occur at the same time, so plan your parties wisely.  That’s why once-per-month party plan works best.) 
    • You may designate someone else to cover the event on your behalf, with approval of GroupDates.net®, and you are responsible for paying that person (if payment is necessary).

You will identify multiple ways of advertising your events in your area, and create social media content to support your party activities.

  • You will create multiple social media posts about your Meet & Greet Parties.
  • You will ask your friends and followers to make social media posts about your parties on your behalf.
  • You will assist with the placement (at entry and exit ways and bathroom stalls) of inhouse flyers or “stickers” promoting our Singles Meet & Greet Parties at your participating venues that we will supply.  Each poster or sticker has a scannable QR code for interested persons to get more information or join our parties.
How much will you earn
as a Brand Ambassador?

This job is designed to earn you between $72,000 and $144,000 in your first year.  But why stop there!

Do the math!

When you tell venue owners and managers that you want their establishment to be a part of our Singles Meet & Greet tour, most of them will welcome the extra business!

If you ask 30 of them, 20 of them will say “Hell yes!”

If you have 20 venues having only 1 Singles Meet & Greet per month with only 20 people (some events will have more) that’s 400 tickets that will sell for your events at $20 each. You make $15 for each ticket that sells.  That  earns you $6,000 a month! Realistically speaking, you should easily have 20 venues agree to our Singles Meet & Greet Parties in your first month or two– if you make the 30 calls. 

Another way to get to your 400 ticket goal is to have 10 venues that have 40 attendees each month.  It really depends on the type of venue. 

Your parties will start out small in your first month.  But they’ll double in size by the second month as attendees bring their friends to the next one to join the fun!

By the end of the year, it’s entirely possible for you to double your earnings to $12,000 a month.  But why stop at 20 venues!

Now, as a Brand Ambassador, you are required to host these parties and greet the members as they enter the venue.  You’re there to coordinate things.  But you certainly can’t be at all 20 or 40 venues on the same night.  Many of the parties will be scheduled on the same days of the month, so you’ll be able to attend many of them.  For the ones you can’t attend, you are allowed to designate someone to act as the event host in your absence.  We will help you with that. 

If you designate someone to host the event on your behalf, you are responsible for paying that person.  If they require payment, you should not have to pay them any more than $5 per ticket or a maximum of $100 per event  So, in essence, if you have to pay someone to host events in your absence, you won’t make  $144,000 from 20 venues.  You’ll only make only $10,100 each month for 20 venues, or $121,200 a year for 20 venue parties per month with 40 attendees.

But that’s only for the “once a month parties”.  Many venues may choose a more “regular” once-a-week gathering.  I haven’t begun to do the math on that one.

Only you can decide how money much is enough for you.